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Tsonga Pride is a clothing and accessories brand with products made
from recycled goods.

11181248_475267475964580_1617449228330971956_oIt was established in the 80’s but only took of
last year. It began as a hobby for a lady named Sophie Sihlangu, as it
was a skill she learned back home, in Giyani, as a child. She saw bigger
possibilities of using plastic for more than just creating plastic
mats – as it was of practice at the time – hence the brand was born. The brand is still growing and finding its niche in the market.

Tsonga Pride believes in green living and recycling. The items are
made from recycled plastic bags, wool, and cardboard. The predominant
products at the moment are the plastic bags and summer hats. They come
in varying sizes and colours, and epitomise the colourful Spirit of the
Tsonga Tribe. Other products that are still coming are mats and fruit
bowls amongst many other products that can be made from plastic.


The price range for the products is R60 to R500. Tsonga Pride can be
found online on Facebook, just search for Tsonga Pride or email
jfsihl87@gmail.com to place an order. “We deliver anywhere in SA”, adds Junie Sihlangu.

On the brands dreams and aspirations, Junie says, “We wish to take this skill to other Provinces and then
internationally. Tsonga Pride has a bright future ahead and Africa is
only its starting point.”


By Khulani Sikhosana; Themba ka Mhlanga

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