7 3 mins 10 yrs

Kwezi is a comic book series founded by our very own noble son of the soil, Loyiso Mkize, a prolific internationally acclaimed illustrator, designer and fine artist from Butterworth, Eastern Cape. Kwezi comic book took three years of trials and tribulations to finally have available to the public, after local publishers showed no faith in the concept. Nonetheless, Mkize’s mission was not side tracked, instead he defied all the odds, took the bull by its horns and self-published Kwezi comic series under his Arts and Communication Company called Loyiso Mkize Art. Furthermore, Loyiso also partakes in collectively illustrating Supa Strikas, a football comic series.


Kwezi means star in the Nguni language. Kwezi, the main character in the comic book, is a 19 year old young, black and gifted super hero who epitomizes black power. Kwezi starts off as egotistic, indifferent and finds it difficult to adapt into his super human powers of serving his own kind. However, later his African revolutionary conscience comes to the fore as he realises that he must discover his powers by tuning within his inner self. Kwezi’s attributes entail staying authentic to his African virtues. He is into local brands, smart, and a charismatic cool kid on the block that subscribes to the local hip hop culture. The comics’ environmental setting is within Johannesburg, the gold city of greener pastures, which has a multitude hustlers of note.

This epic comic series is geared towards a South African centered context; hence ghetto slang is widely used as a code for conversing, which by virtue resonates a great deal with the majority of South African’s. And is also gaining popularity in the international spheres. Kwezi comic series portrays images that are reflective of our struggles as Africans, as it is within an Afrocentric modernized setting and will unleash the power that lies within each and every African child.

For publication details and more, you can visit www.kwezi.co.za


By Khulani Sikhosana


7 thoughts on “Kwezi The Black Star

  1. This comic books needs to be in the hands of our teens, this can be possible through joint initiatives and crowdfunding projects, and i feel Kwezi comics would be more appealing and
    educational if there was an animated segment as well.

  2. I love the idea, black star, it sounds Gananian and jah, what’s more intresting is the slang “boza”… “is’camtho sadaar”. Somebody better learn another language.

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    I’m extremely interested in advertising in your news paper
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  4. Hi there. Where can one read more about Kwezi. I would like to read the comic book

  5. Congrats Loyiso.
    Really loved the comic book. The art, Storyline, characters rates with the bedt internationally. Looking forward to more from you as you build your universe. Also expecting that you would consider film or tv animation etc. Why not. You certainly got the stuff.

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