1 2 mins 10 yrs

Miss cultural South Africa epitomises the true essence of the African beauty. Not only is it presenting the real and actual beauty that is in abundance in our everyday circles – be it big boned, or skinny beings, or any other classification for the matter (for we very creative in that part); beings from the lightest of shade to ones darker than the midnight sky there is no prejudice evident in the selection of the contests.


No unreal, imported standards of beauty in the criteria they are using in selecting the participants – but above it all, inner beauty takes centre stage: respect, tolerance, self-love, knowledge of self and self-preservation amongst others are the things the contest aims to promulgate.
The contest is important in promoting the bible of true beauty, as we are constantly forced to embrace these superficial, at times artificial, concepts of what beauty is. We are becoming a people that picks up a book, look at the cover, and then conclude what the book is all about, leaving all the other pages untouched. We are forgetting that no matter how the outside part may be, if the inside lacks the right content, it is regarded as a lost project. The hope is that the pageant communicates the message to the people, that they use it to reflect on their everyday lives, and that they start interrogating the other pages of the book that is self, and interrogate the pages of other individuals.

The road to Miss Cultural South Africa is currently on every Sunday, on SABC 1, showcasing the diverse cultures and beautiful people this country is blessed with.

By Themba ka Mhlanga

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