The South African Ghetto

13 mins 1 yr

What is the View from the Bridge? There is no room for all of us at the rendezvous of victory

0 50 mins 1 yr

  “And the bridge was suspended between the two eternities Arched so high up there that the Watchman Could from his tower see all that had gone before And all that was to come. And that is why the anxious, helpless peoples of this crazy […]

history introspection politics
0 12 mins 1 yr

Can the narrative be changed: Demonized African ceremonies and other religious ceremonies

A people that cannot celebrate themselves and their culture would never believe in themselves and their capabilities. In my previous paper ‘The Relevance of Moogadi in the Modern African Society’,  I spoke about the struggles that have engulfed Africa; the struggles that include but not […]

0 12 mins 1 yr

Camagu! African spirituality depiction in the movie “Black Panther”

We have watched Marvel’s recent ground breaking movie, Black Panther directed by Ryan Coogler, and we have all come up with interpretations of the movie; from the representation of Killmonger, to the role Africa has played by neglecting to open channels that would have allowed […]

0 13 mins 1 yr

The South African Ghetto

The South African Ghetto The place with such potential only those without can see it, for to be within is to strive to even catch a breath! Ghetto or squatter-camp, as we have come to know the crowded, dirty and undeveloped areas most of our […]

introspection relationships wellness
0 14 mins 1 yr

Combative Hermeneutics; “Customary Law” as memory and symbol.

“In our land the law of the nation reigns supreme.” (Mazisi Kunene)   Francis Cress Welsing argues that “if you don’t understand white supremacy, everything else that you think you know, will only confuse you”. In implicit agreement with this fundamental argument, Wade Nobles further […]
